Did you Know?!

How many of you know that you can order your favorite Stampin' Up! products at any time of the day or night and 365 days per year?!!  Woo Hoo!!

Here are some ways that you can have your favorite stamping products shipped right to your door:

  1. Call me at 952-412-6283!  You know I will get to you right away – LOL!  I LOVE MY CUSTOMERS AND STAMPIN' UP! products!
  2. Email me at:  lcaspers@winternet.com and I will order them for you!  I am on my computer at least 15 hours per day – ask my mother-in-law!!!
  3. Go to my website at: http://www.stampinup.com/ECWeb/ItemList.aspx?categoryID=216dbwsdemoid=22131 , set up a customer profile and have the items shipped to your door!

It's just that easy!  VISA, MasterCard, or Discover debit/credit cards accepted for payment of your items.  And, you can ask for Stampin' Up! product for birthdays, Mother's Day, and Christmas – it's just around the corner!  All you have to do is email me your wish list and provide my contact information to your gift giver and I can ship anywhere in the United States.   I also offer gift certificates if that is a better option – checks and paypal for gift certificates please!

The sun is shining today and I need to go out and enjoy it – enjoy your day and most of all ………………………..


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